would one work?


i have an approximate 2ft deep tank and want to house a wide array of stuff on my live rock and was wondering if one MH or one VHO could work or what would i need please help i don't want to kill anything or waste any money :help:


It will all depend on the size of your tank... (Gallons)
I have learned a lot from these two threads:
If I were you, I would look at both of these threads and then see what you want to keep in your tank verses what you will need to get to keep it alive.
As far as I can tell, you will want at least 3.0w/g minimum
of lighting with a mixture of Blue Actinic
and 10,000k
lighting to sustain the basic soft corals...
I’m not an expert so others will want to chime in...


Active Member
What size is the tank? and dimensions?sounds like it is a more shallow long tank? if this is correct. You probably need 2 MH.


i'm new so bear with me when i say one what, what type of light how many watts and will my canopy work or do i need one of those too


Active Member
I was just replying to your other post in the other forum and realized it same person. Fish rule had it pegged. First you need to decide what you want to keep. I was refuring to one MH. When you asked ifone would be enough for your tank. You will need at least 3 watts per gal 10,000k and blue atnics. which i believe you have actnics only at this point. Iam assuming you have small hood that came with the tank or is it a canopy. Maybe you can post a pic. They sell retro fit kits .


Active Member
I checked your other post. If you want to keep anenomes then you should most definately have MH. Mushrooms you could proabbly get away with just Pc lighting but I've seen people not want to spend money on MH and go with the PCs and then want to keep stuff that needs MH.THey try and sometimes waste their money cause the stuff dies when they should have thought it out and INvested in the MH