Would the bicolor blenny be a good started fish.


Well-Known Member
There an alage eating blenny. So I would say its iffy, depending on how much alage u have


And to add on what jay said they have boat loads of personality. I had a blue and gold midas, man he was cool....until he went floor surfing.


Well-Known Member
I love blennys, I lost an alage blenny due to lack of food, even tho my tank was loaded w it. Must not have been what he liked. Ever since iam afraid to try another bc the vast majority also eat only alage.


Not sure on bicolor bleeny but if your looking for other good starting fish I have kept Ocellaris clowns, Royal Gramma, Banggai Cardinal, Golden Sleeper head goby. they are great for starters had no issues with them. I would NOT suggest Blue Devil Damsels my royal gramma and other blue devil damsel got killed by another blue devil damsel. the rest are pretty mellow