Would these fish work together?


Active Member
I have a 46 gallon bow Fowlr tank and at this point I have:
48 lbs of live rock
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
9 hermit crabs
7 turbo snails
I'm interested in getting:
Flame Angelfish or Coral Beauty Angelfish
Six Line Wrasse
Longnose Hawkfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Cleaner shrimp
Is there another fish that might be cool for my situation or is this a good way to go?
I just added the clowns yesterday. Whats an appropriate time to add another fish or shrimp?


I've always heard "no more than one fish per week". If you get a goby, I really recommend that you get a pistol shrimp with it. I have a tiger pistol shrimp and a yellow watchman and they have paired up. It's really neat to watch them together. Good luck!


Active Member
Does the bio filter have enough time to keep up with adding one fish per week. I think it would be cool to have a pistol shrimp but I'm curious is it would get along with a cleaner shrimp?


most pistols are peaceful toward things that stay away from their burrow
one fish per week should be fine
be careful with the hawkfish though, they terrorize shrimp


I have a pistol and a cleaner, they get along really well... probably because they stay on different ends of the tank
. If you do them both, just introduce them to different sides of the tank.


Active Member
Its been set up for about 5 weeks. I really don't plan on adding anything to the tank for a while. I want to get a quarantine tank set and going so I don't have to put any fish directly into my tank. I also heard that shrimp don't do well in new tanks. Out of my list is there one fish that would do better than another.