would they?


Active Member
I really dont think the Bangaii did it. They arent really known to be coral nippers. How long did it take for them to dissapear? How big a colony were they? Did you ever see them bieng nipped at? Xenia is a wierd coral in that some people no matter how successful a reefer they are cant keep 'em. While in another tank they take over. Sometimes whole colonies just up and dissappear for no apparent reason. They may spring back up elsewhere in the tank also.
But I dont believe it was the Bangaii.


Active Member
alright my light had gone out a few hours ago so i went with my handy flash light looking like i do nightly to assure all is going well and i found my emerld crab on top of my coral eating it. are they known for this????


Active Member
IMO. The emerald crab wasnt eating the coral. They eat debritous and algea. Unless the coral was dead allready, it wasnt eating it. They are not predators.


Active Member
no it was eating it i saw it, it was there when the lights went out and when i looked in there was alot of it missing.


Originally Posted by jessica47421
no it was eating it i saw it, it was there when the lights went out and when i looked in there was alot of it missing.
I agree with you thats the same thing that happened with my zoos. I thought he was eating something eles but when I woke up all 4 blue zoos were gone.