Would this be ok?


After my tank is cycled and ready, im going to get 2 clowns...one at a time. And later, could I add a banggai cardinal? I have read that they stay small and need to be with peacefull fish. What ya think? Just dont to put too many fish in it...i think 3 is ok, with one cleaner shirmp.
Thank you everyone, you have helped sooooo much.


Active Member
What size is your tank? The reason I ask is that yes you should add one fish at a time, but then if you are adding clowns and they are small enough I would recommend adding both at the same time. The reason to add both at the same time is when you have 2 clowns in the same tank they do a dominance dance after a while and the dominant one becomes the larger and the female.
Yes your cardinal will be fine with two clowns, depending that your tank is the right size.
Sorry for babbling.


Clowns arent the most peaceful, but i dont know much about cardinals. Also I would just buy a pair of clowns and put them in together so you know they are going to be ok with it since clowns are so territorial


You need to give a little more info to get a reasonable response to your question such as the size of your tank and the equipment you'll be using. Two clowns added one at a time may be a problem as they can be territorially aggressive (although there are exceptions to this rule). How and how long do you plan to cycle this system in order to call it established?


My tank is a 10 gallon...starting off with a FOWLR tank. I know its small, but it has a powerfull filter on it..a whisper filter for a 20-40 gallons. Im not using a skimmer on the 10 gallon yet, but will get a nano skimmer. Its going pretty well so far...(knock on wood)


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
My tank is a 10 gallon...starting off with a FOWLR tank. I know its small, but it has a powerfull filter on it..a whisper filter for a 20-40 gallons. Im not using a skimmer on the 10 gallon yet, but will get a nano skimmer. Its going pretty well so far...(knock on wood)
10 gallons is really too small for a pair of clowns and a cardinal, no matter what kind of filter you have. You may be able to get away with just a pair of clowns so long as you're really vigilant about maintenance, but I wouldn't recommend it. Remember that it's also about having room for the fish, not just water quality.


Once you get finished cycling will want to have a small cleanup crew. couple of snails, couple of hermits.
In the 10G you will really only have room for the two clowns and I would add them at the same time. Bangai Cardinals are peaceful fish but from everything I have read and seen they do better in groups. You also need to have a lot of rockwork for them to hide in. They are pretty docile and dont do much swimming around.


Good point...I'll prob just get clowns..would I be better off with just one? Or would just 2 clowns be ok, without any other fish? I still would get a cleaner shirmp, help keep the tank clean...I just dont know..lol..i should have started this in my 29 gallon tank...o well. This will be good for me to learn on a small tank, then in about a year well get that 100-150


Well..........Actually, starting out on a 10g could be trickier. The larger size the tank is will make keeping the water conditions in balance easier to do. If you only have the rock in there should be ok with two clowns but yeah I wouldnt add any more. Will probably need to do more frequent water changes though.


Thats ok...I was thinking of doing a 2 gallon water change a week, maybe even 3 callons. I read that starting out with a smaller tank is harder, but with just fish and rock it should be ok, and when I do a larger tank, i will be ok with it. Im a little scared with this tank, but not too bad. It will be fun, so sick of my freshwater cichlids. There pretty, but this is so fun! I see so much in the tank at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
Thats ok...I was thinking of doing a 2 gallon water change a week, maybe even 3 callons. I read that starting out with a smaller tank is harder, but with just fish and rock it should be ok, and when I do a larger tank, i will be ok with it. Im a little scared with this tank, but not too bad. It will be fun, so sick of my freshwater cichlids. There pretty, but this is so fun! I see so much in the tank at night.
If you've kept cichlids, saltwater fish shouldn't be out of your grasp. Two fish is a good number for that tank. Two clowns could be fun, or a clown and something else if you'd like some variety. Don't overfeed, do a 10-20 percent water change weekly, and you should be fine.


Im so excited i cant tell you enough...I just cant wait till we build our home so I can get a 100 gall +. he he he...This salt tank will deff be baby steps for me...one little thing at a time.
Hey, thanks again for your help.


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