Would this be safe for a quarantine tank?



I'm not sure if this is right section, sorry if it's not.
Ok, so, I'm turning my 30gal quarantine tank into a sump(never used any meds) so now I'm planning to turn one of my 10gals lying around into a quarantine tank as I'm getting a few cleaner shrimp next week. But one or two of my three tanks I had used as a freshwater tank before, and I had put freshwater meds in 1-2 of those 3 tanks. I know at least that one of them (I know which one) I had used meds in, but I can't figure out which of the other two I had put meds in, I was wondering if this would be bad for any critters I put in the quarantine tank, if there was maybe any meds still in the silicone sealant.
Btw, for the 30gal quaratine, it was also a previous freshie tank, which I used meds in, and all the critters (2 clowns, 1 clown goby, royal gramma, a couple hermits&snails) are fine and healthy. So would it be ok to use one of those 2 10gal tanks that may or may not have meds used in them for freshwater for a quarantine?
Sorry if that doesn't really make sense, it's kinda hard to explain.
Thanks, Christina
I'm confused. You said the 30g tank never had meds in it then you said it did have meds in it. In any case, what kind of meds were in it? The main thing you are looking out for is copper. That's the killer ingredient here.


Active Member
The 30g (potential sump) never had meds. A couple of the 10g (potential QT) have had meds in them. Well, that's what I got :)
Originally Posted by yoshii
Btw, for the 30gal quaratine, it was also a previous freshie tank, which I used meds in, and all the critters (2 clowns, 1 clown goby, royal gramma, a couple hermits&snails) are fine and healthy.
Hence my confusion.


Active Member
Missed that.....
Add me to the confused....
Ball of Confusion. That's What the World Is Today. hey. hey.


Active Member
The Temptations!!!!!!
"Air pollution, revolution, gun control,
Sound of soul
Shootin' rockets to the moon
Kids growin' up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will
Solve everything
And the band played on
So round 'n' round 'n' round we go
Where the world's headed, nobody knows
Just a Ball of Confusion
Oh yea, that's what the wold is today"


Staff member
I'm ok with that plan. Just be sure to sterilize the QT before putting the old tank in to use.


Sorry for all the confusion, I was tired :p
The 30gal had meds in it from a long time ago when I used it at a freshwater tank, but I never used any saltwater medications in it when it was a quarantine tank.
I hope that clarifies :)


Originally Posted by Contraband629
I'm confused. You said the 30g tank never had meds in it then you said it did have meds in it. In any case, what kind of meds were in it? The main thing you are looking out for is copper. That's the killer ingredient here.
I used "fungus clear" in the 30gal which is a freshwater treatment, I'm not sure if it has copper in it, good thing I always save the boxes for those things! I'll check later to see the ingredients.
For the 10gals, I used some Quick Ick Clear or something like that, I still have the bottle, but I know it can be used for freshwater and saltwater, and I remember reading the label and it said to not use with live rock or inverts :/