would this work? [150 gallon]


New Member
would this work? in a 150 gallon?
dwarf lion fish
blue hippo tang
2 Amphiprion ocellaris [ clowfish ]
so far thats the only fishs i want and i know i have enought room for all these
B E A UTIFUL fishs but is it safe?


i believe so. i have a dwarf lion as well and i have him in with a few small fish including shrimps that he doesn't eat.


New Member
Originally Posted by angelsrock
i believe so. i have a dwarf lion as well and i have him in with a few small fish including shrimps that he doesn't eat.
thats good arent they suppost to eat the shrimps? how big do dwarf lions grow? do they stay small?


they're suppose to eat anything that can fit in their mouths, but i have mine in with a maroon clown 2", fiji devil blue damsel 1.5", a cherub angel 2", and a cleaner and blood shrimp. plus my queen angel. he hasn't touched anything. i think as long as you keep them fed you have nothing to worry about. he's been in with the maroon since the maroon was an inch.


they're suppose to eat anything that can fit in their mouths, but i have mine in with a maroon clown 2", fiji devil blue damsel 1.5", a cherub angel 2", and a cleaner and blood shrimp. plus my queen angel. he hasn't touched anything. i think as long as you keep them fed you have nothing to worry about. he's been in with the maroon since the maroon was an inch.