would this work for breeding clown fish?


Active Member
I have an interesting question to ask the clown breeding experts. I know that in FW they are always talking about having plants for the fry to hide in and eat.
I am wondering if clownfish babies would do good in a refugium type set up.
I have a 10g nano tank that for whatever reason looks like a refugium. I have clumps of a hairy algea that I think looks good. I have small clumps of a red carpet like algea and some clumps of grape carpula algea. Also I have lots of the halimeda algea. Although I am over run by glass anemones, which I am going to kill by joes' juice, I am just wondering if a habitat like that would assist in the raising of clown fish fry. Would that give them more of a natural food supply as well as food that I would feed. this 10g has two HOB filters.
Just a random though.


Will not work. They will not get enough food and they will die of starvation. You will also polute the hell out of your tank and most likely kill you other livestock trying to keep the babies fed.