Would this work?


My friend and I decided we wanted to do a agressive tank.
Could this work?
75g tank
Porcupine puffer
Huma-huma trigger
Snowflake eel
Dwarf fuzzy lion


Active Member
The problem with mixing lions with triggers and puffers is the possibility that the puffer and trigger, may nip at the lions fins.
With that said a porc puffer will ewventually outgrow a 75 gallon tank. It may work for a couple of years if you purchase an extremely small puffer.
At full size the huma may be a problem in a 75 as well. He would last a few years in a 75, but if you wish to keep other fsh with him, I would recommend a bigger tank.


Active Member
I agree... It will work for awhile but not for the life of all those fish. Just let me know when they get to big! :D