Would this work?


I am wanting to simply set up a 10-20g with a HOB filter, HOB skimmer, and UV sterilizer, put an overflow box on the main tank (39g) and set up the tubing and the return pump to have all of the equipment out of the main tank. Would this work? Everytime I read something about sumps they are always baffled. I don't want to do that, I just want to have the smaller tank with all the filtration and everything in it so the main tank only has the heater, overflow box, and incoming water, probably from a spray bar.


that will work fine is there a reason u don't want the heater in the sump tank? will your DT have live rock in it 2 support the bio load? if not u will need to have some kind of dry filter to handle it.


Sorry, don't know what DT stands for, either that or I'm still not quite awake! My main tank has around 40 pounds of live rock in it and I might add a few more pounds when I rearrange things to set it up as a seahorse tank. Right now it's just a FOWLR but I am wanting to change it to seahorses. I wasn't sure if it'd be ok to put the heater in the smaller tank, but if I'm able to I would definitely like to. And if it would be better to have some live rock in the smaller tank and some sand then I'll do that as well.


DT=diplay tank heater in sump is ok and u dont need any rock in the sump if u have plenty in your DT