Would this work?


Ok, My manager at work is offering me a tank...For Free!
Heres the specs below:
Width - 24"
Height - 8"
Depth - 12"
15w Single tube (I know, i need more lighting)
Air pump
I worked it out as 10 uk gallons..well 9.998, anyways.
I've seen someone have a Prizm skimmer on their tank with the thermostat and some filter material stuffed inside....would this work?
Comments please on anything about the tank.


What do you want to use it for?? I could see it working for a small propogation tank or a sump. I have no experience with nanos but, with the right lighting maybe...?


i plan to have it as a Nano, i have experience with Nano's, got a 22g running at the moment.
As for lighting id probably go for another 15w T8 standard, id only keep soft corals in there.
Anyway my main question is about the Prizm, so if ya got any ideas then please tell me.


Active Member
Hey Jackson sorry to butt in but where abouts in South West England are you from? I am in Cardiff but from Bristol! Who do you work for?
What is it about the Prizm you want to know? Im a little confused. I have used one for a year now so any questions just ask!
All the best!


I done a nano about a year ago with a ten gallon. The little guy was rough at first until I found a way to keep salinty perfect. The little ten evaporated so fast it was ungodly. I had roughly 30 lbs of rock, 2 fish, few buttons, star polyp, and money plant. I done it as an expierment and used 18"uri bulbs and only a whisper 2 filter and little homeade skimmer. Done the skimmer from 1/2" and 1.5" pvc pipe with a mountain dew bottle for remote collection cup. Used some regular air hose to pipe it there. Set the skimmer in a modified 3/4 gallon plastic tea pitcher with a maxi-drive 404 and tiny little air pump driving them. Had a 3.5 inch sand bed in the tank also.
I fixed the evap/salinity problem by taking a 2 ltr bottle and making it work for tank top off bottle. Got the Idea from www.garf.org


timedwards - im' from Stroud in Gloucestershire, and i work for World of Water in Gloucester.
Anyway i was just wandering about if haveing the thermostat and filter media will work efficiently? of should i just stick it in the tank?
Shep - That would help me loads, but we dont have those pumps in the uk, and i cant order it from us because of the different voltage over here...although i guess i could just find a uk version to the one you suggested and get the flow rate as close as possible.
Any other ideas? any at all.
This is helping me loads, thanks


Active Member
Welcome to the board!!
I have a 5 gallon nano and a 20 Gallon nano.... I have PCs over the 5 and VHO over the 20. I like hte VHO a lot better ...
Not sure if you are saying that the heater and such are located outside of the tank and in the Prism ... if that is the case then I'd give it a whirl.... as the only thing I dislike is having the heater in my tank .... got a tetratec and I will be buying the heater insert shortly for it!!
I think the key is to keep all your levels at the right level. Do a search for BrooklynJohnny and check out the pics of his ten gallon nano .... he hasa refugium hooked up to it.
Good luck - also - check out www.nano-reef.com .....
again I wsh SWF had a Nano section ....


I'd like PC's or VHO over my Nano, but in the UK they're expensive, and i'm only 16 so my wages from work are pretty low.
I hate having a heater showing so yes that is why i want to hide it in the skimmer.
I am a member on nano-reef.com, posted the same message there but didnt get many replies. And i am familiar with JonnyBrooklyns 10g nano he has in his kitchen :) Tis very nice.


Active Member
Very cool - do they have T5 lighting that will fit over your tank?? Here in the states I can only seem to find 4 foot long stuff - seems to me that a couple of T5's would light your 10 gallon up like crazy!!


Hmmm im not sure if they do have smaller T5's over here...think i've seen a 60cm (24") long unit that has T5's, im pretty certain. I think Arcadia might do it.
I'd like T5's...but like i said im only 16, so i dont get much a week. So i think i'll end up sticking to 2 15w T8's with halogens:rolleyes: