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Originally Posted by Thomas712
No., but its nice to see beaslbob getting out of the hobby.

:hilarious Right on.

Search for cooking LR. Basicly you leave the rock in NSW in the dark for a week, shake it off and put it clean NSW for another week, shake it again and put in more NSW for another week.
It cleans out the rock of all it's gunk that builds up over time.


So I picked up the rock today. It was actually about 75lbs for 30 bucks!
I could not even get it all today. So I scrubbed it got most of the cyano off. Some pieces actually had no cyano on them and after a quick rinse I put them straight in the tank. Now I have the rock sitting in a tub with a powerhead.
Should I just keep them in the dark then?


you really dont have to cook the rock unles you are keeping a bare bottom tank. if you are keeping a sand bottom the dsb will sink the nutrients. dont worry about. test the rock for copper, clean off cyano. place in your system. thats all there is to it.