Would you call my tank a "light load"?


I was reading in other threads where people are refering to their tank being either heavy or lightly loaded. I was wondering where my tank stands....
Its a 24 gallon with one clownfish, a few snails and hermits, and several corals including...
Variety of Mushrooms (ricordias, purple, big hairy, etc)
Rose coral
Star polyps
Daisy polyps
Do corals contribute much to the bioload?


Active Member
i don't think corals add much to the "bio-load" of the tank but more along the lines of trace elements being consumed. ie calcium, iodine, and so forth. The only time the corals would add to your normal bioload would be if you feed them directly or add plankton or any other type of filter feeder food.
I think im correct by saying this but there are many more experienced people on the forums so hopefully they will chime i and correct me if im wrong.
Also your load will depend alot on more then just the amount of fish in the tank, also take into account how much/often you feed and how much food doesn't get eaten. If your feeding amounts/times are good then i would consider your tank to be a light bioload.
I have a 20long and my stock list is
2 B&W clowns
1 Sixline
1 Pajama Cardinal
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire shrimp
10 or so blue leg hermits
few snails and such.
I may be getting away with more then normal here but i have a AquaC Ev-180 skimmer, 12 gallon wetdry filter and a 4gallon hob fuge.
I don't see any reason why you couldn't add a 2nd clown and a 3rd small fish.


Active Member
I agree with yerboy. You could fill that tank to the brim with corals and still be ok, but my bioload is higher than yours. About 11 different coral species, a clam, coral beauty angel, and a small maroon clown. No nitrate probems from em (well the sun coral is causing some, but still.)


I have been thinking about getting another fish or two....
I was going to get a girlfriend for my clown and I was also thinking about getting a citron clown goby. I am just waiting for my QT to hurry up and cycle. ITs taking FOREVER!
I was just wondering, and I appreciate both of your responses.


Wow, I didnt realize they were that small. I have one on reserve from a local hobbyist.
I am actually glad to hear that they stay small....Maybe there will be less of a chance of it knocking over my corals!