would you get a 1600 gallon tank for free?


Active Member
Plexiglass, 4" thick??? Are you serious? Even a tank this big doesn't need this type of reinforcement. Can you even see thru it?


Active Member
Well, you could make one of those dunking booths out of it

Mount it on a trailer so you could transport it around to kid parties.


Active Member
As far as that tank, if you wanted to cut it down. that would make sense. A 7 foot tall tank would be a nightmare. For 1700gal'ish, I much rather have a 12ft x 5ft x 4 ft tank. But you can't beat a free tank, err, near free


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
holy crap that tank is beyond huge!
I'm not exactly sure where the tank ranks for volume. I believe it's second at 2,600,000 gallons. The Okinawa whale shark tank in Japan is 1.9mil, and of course the Georgia whale shark tank is 6.1 mil. The large viewing panel does make it's look even more monsterous. Not that 2.6 million gallons isn't alone...

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I'm not exactly sure where the tank ranks for volume. I believe it's second at 2,600,000 gallons. The Okinawa whale shark tank in Japan is 1.9mil, and of course the Georgia whale shark tank is 6.1 mil. The large viewing panel does make it's look even more monsterous. Not that 2.6 million gallons isn't alone...
wow that is crazy, I would love to see a whale shark in a fish tank, must be some sight.


Active Member
i need to work my magic for the wife to agree its worth it.i will split it with someone if i get this tank.


Active Member
today is the day to talk how much.the builder is coming over today... i will let you guys know what happen


IMO, it's a waste to cut down. That 4" thick is due to the 7' height and would just add unnecesary weight to it being cut down. Just my .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
IMO...NOOOO...7' tall...lol...I can't even reach the bottom of my 225g...
I would only consider a tank like that if it came with a tank boy to care for it

$15 plus shipping and handling.

Originally Posted by AquaKnight

The world's largest arylic viewing panel at the Dubai Aquarium is 107ft long, 27ft tall, and 29 inches thick, and is completely clear.
The possiblitys with that baby, you could keep 100 of everykind of tang in that bad boy.
I would totally get it. You can get it now and wait to set it up. You will still have the tank and you can wait till you get enough money to do it right. .02
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