Would you pay this much for a damsel?


New Member
I was at a lfs and saw some kind damsel for sell for $60 i thought that was expensive for a damsel most are cheap I am not sure what it was called are i can remeber its name started with a G and i have never seem them before on any web site or at a lfs It was like a honey yellow color with bright blue spots does anyone have any idea what kind of damsel i might be talking about? and seeing how many people dont like damsels cause they can be soo mean would anyone pay $60 for a damsel taking the chance it could be mean and could kill other fish I mean i guess it is a rarer kind most i see range in price from $3 to 12 at the most Would anyone on here pay$60 for a damsel??


Possibly, but it just depends on how the fish looks and its behavior. Most likely it is aggressive, so it might be better suited for an aggressive tank, if it would not get eaten. Some fish are rarer than others and that is why the price is high, not all damsels are going to be cheap. :D


Active Member
Answer = No.
If you're willing to shell out $60.00 for a fish please make it something you'd want to keep around. I haven't met a damsel that hasn't hassled other fish in my tank minus the real small ones when they're outsized and outnumbered.


That's must be a very special damsel for $60 but anyway the most damsels are worth is $4 to me anyway. That is way overpriced.


I am almost postitve you are talking about a GARIBALDI damsel
they can get very big, and i have seen some big ones in my LFS for as much as 150 buck.


If it were really Garibaldi, the price would've been much much higher. They're illegal to collect in CA, but I'm sure about other countries. Anyway they're extremely hard to come by. I'm sure it's either another lame attempt to rip you off or something that has been recently brought into the trade.



Originally posted by ocellaris_keeper
Answer = No.
If you're willing to shell out $60.00 for a fish please make it something you'd want to keep around. I haven't met a damsel that hasn't hassled other fish in my tank minus the real small ones when they're outsized and outnumbered.

I was at the Chicago shedd aquirium last week and I saw damsels in the new wild reef with sharks as big as 7' and lots of other predators
You guys would have loved this habitat I couldn't even estimate the size it was so big
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


New Member
yes the damsel was a garibaldi know that i seen the name mention they had 3 of them actually in little cude thing dividers whatever want to call them about like a gallon size a piece they were by themsleves so i wonder how mean can they be, they were around 2" long Still $60 thats way too much
I would rather spend 60 on a tang or angel I know that damsels can be very mean i had a blue velvet a while back that became a holy terror it killed 4 fish before i could get rid of it I gave it to a friend who had an aggersive tank it seem the a trigger got fed up with it and bit its entire tail off and died after 2 days w/out a tail