Would you save a Mandarin Dragonet


Active Member
I went to a LFS today that I normally don't go to and they had 3 Mandarins in the sale tanks and one of the MD was picking on another one very fiercly. I mentioned it to the sales person and asked him to move the attacked one to the next *cube* and he did. 5 min later the bossy one migrated to the next cube and was at it again.
My tank is still very young (started 3/31/2008), didn't cycle at all with 100lbs of mature LR and 80lbs of LS, refugium with cheato and sump.
Would you go and save the MD that was being picked on? These guys have been at the store about 5 weeks, they originally had 8 and 3 are left. I'm prepared to stock pods if need be. I seeded the refugium a month ago with 2 bottles of tiger pods and a bottle of other tropical pods.
My tank has 3 fish in it right now and I may not get any more after all (2 clowns and a small goby+pistol shrimp).
I can get in my car right now and pick him up. What would you do with the setup above?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I went to a LFS today that I normally don't go to and they had 3 Mandarins in the sale tanks and one of the MD was picking on another one very fiercly. I mentioned it to the sales person and asked him to move the attacked one to the next *cube* and he did. 5 min later the bossy one migrated to the next cube and was at it again.
My tank is still very young (started 3/31/2008), didn't cycle at all with 100lbs of mature LR and 80lbs of LS, refugium with cheato and sump.
Would you go and save the MD that was being picked on? These guys have been at the store about 5 weeks, they originally had 8 and 3 are left. I'm prepared to stock pods if need be. I seeded the refugium a month ago with 2 bottles of tiger pods and a bottle of other tropical pods.
My tank has 3 fish in it right now and I may not get any more after all (2 clowns and a small goby+pistol shrimp).
I can get in my car right now and pick him up. What would you do with the setup above?
I'd do it, it'll likely have a better chance of survival in your tank with your knowledge of their special diet than taking it's chance at the LFS and possibly getting a reprieve from it's tankmates to go home and die a slow, agonizing death in some kid's 14g biocube...


my mandarin was 2.5 inches and one of the nicest i've ever seen I got it for 12 dollars at the lfs because they don't know what fish are what. however he has grown to alsmot 4.5 inches in about 5 months. I have close to 200 lb of LR in my wet/dry and DT.. and have spent $50 on copepods over the last 5 months to ensure its health hes is also now eating forumla 1 foods...its just odd that I spent more money on pods for him that the acctual fish itself. i bought 5 bags from swf.com in the 5 months (1 a month) at 10 a bag eacg bag has 200 pods...the mandarin in fluffy fat and healthy and close to 5 inches almsot doubles its size in 5 months. however I put in the same green mandarin that was very tiny maybe 1.5 inchesand very skinny and saw the larger mandarin harassing him...i have not seen the smaller mandarin in weeks. but he had no chance in my aggressive 65 fowlr tank..or maybe he did i'm not sure if triggers would prey on him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Oh, I guess the biggest question here is: do you want a mandarin?

Hehe always wanted one and sure enough I just picked him up. He is temp acclimating in my tank right now. Curious little creature, kept eyeballing me when I took the bag out of the shopping bag. Beautiful coloration, some nipped fins, poor thing :cry
I actually let out a little cry on my drive home. I must be too hormonal hehehe. We already have a rescue dog so a rescue fish fits in perfectly with our family.
I'll keep you posted on how he does in his new environment and take pics.


Active Member
He/she is absolutely gorgeous! About 15 min after he was in the tank he started popping pods off the LR and has been checking out his new environment (1/4 of the tank so far). He hovers in one spot so effortlessly . The first 2 weeks should tell us how well he is going to survive in our tank. At least he didn't become a floater as soon as he was released. Pics later.
out of curiostiy, what kind is it (spotted or green). post some pics of it. i love dragonettes and cant wait till my tank's old enough to get one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
out of curiostiy, what kind is it (spotted or green). post some pics of it. i love dragonettes and cant wait till my tank's old enough to get one.
He is the Green Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus). I should have pics tonight. I just need to have a work call first.


congrats on the new fish. i'll watch for the pics to come.
to answer your original question...whenever i hear someone say "rescue a fish from the store," i always cringe. imo, dragonettes are among the worst fish that stores offer. they almost never go to suitable homes. obviously your situation is the exception. anyway, saving a fish from the store just means that another will be ordered.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
He is the Green Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus). I should have pics tonight. I just need to have a work call first.
Awesome, I have one of these two, he's easily my favorite fish in the tank, and there are 8 others in there...heh. Best of luck, keep us up to date.


Active Member
Here we go, pics of Mr Maze
Front of the tank

Found a cave through to the back of the tank and picking pods off the feather duster



Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Congrats....Looking at his thin body your action was not a moment too soon!

Thanks! He's been eating since he entered the tank. Right now the actinics were turned off and just lunars are on and he is sitting behind me on a rock and staring at me and picking at the rock.


Well-Known Member
SpiderWoman: Dragon Saviour!

My new dragonet is still in QT, I can't wait to let her loose in the DT. They have so much personality!


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
SpiderWoman: Dragon Saviour!

My new dragonet is still in QT, I can't wait to let her loose in the DT. They have so much personality!
:) yay!
I skipped QT with this guy knowing how finiky they already are. I'm taking a risk yes, but at least there are only 3 fish in the DT. Keep your fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
You probably did precisely the right thing. Keeping fingers crossed anyway! I just looked in on my little girlie dragon (think she's a girl, no dorsal fin spike) and she's looking bored in the QT tank.....only a few silicone fake corals to climb on in there. I can't wait to let her play in the rock garden.
I really hope you can bring that dragon back.