Would you save a Mandarin Dragonet


Active Member
Call me crazy, but I'm absolutely in love with that little fish.
The way he moves around is so precise and he loves staying on the side of the tank where our couch is.


Active Member
Me too, I just hope he will do OK.
As you can see his dorsal fin is almost completely gone and I'm hoping it will grow back. The way the other Mandarin was attacking this one makes me think both are males as I haven't heard that females fight.
This fellow eats way more than 200 pods a day as I'm seeing him constantly pick pods off the LR and glass. Hopefully he turns into a pig and my tank can support him. I have some dry Fiji sump rubble in a box that arrived last week and I'm planning on taking some and making a pod pile in the DT.


Sorry, what's a dt? And a FOWLR? (that wasn't in your post, I'm just confused on so many abbreviations!)


Active Member
I'm afraid that this save process is going to fail :cry
The Mandarin has not eaten or at least I have not seen him eat for several days and I'm almost willing to bet anything that he is blind. He still moves around the bottom of the tank in a small area, but he doesn't react to my movements even if I put my hand against the glass. Last week he would move away from it.
The corner he likes to hang out is crawling with fat pods. They are basically at his face and he doesn't react to them in any way.
Also he is constantly acting like he has swallowed a larger object and tries to spit it out.
If he is blind, I guess there is nothing that I can do to help him?


Active Member
A seeing eye dogface puffer?

I hope it comes out of it's funk for you though. If not you gave it a shot, chances are he would not have lasted this long where he was.


Active Member
:cry thanks Spanko. I just posted another thread as I think he has popeye, his eyes are really bulged out now that the lights are coming on and I can see him.


Fish can be born blind?
I hope he's okay. Can you treat popeye?