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Well, I had church tonight, as I went to the Christmas Eve Vigil at my church. I myself am Roman Catholic. Anyway, Father George (our priest) during his homily brought up some VERY GOOD POINTS I thought I would share about the sudden controversy over Christmas. The first thing he spoke about was that with stores it really shouldnt matter whether things say "Happy Holidays," or "Merry Christmas." Here is his reasoning, " A store is a place you go to where they sell stuff you most of the time really don't need." LOL! " It is not a place to be concerned about religion, it is simply a place to purchase goods!" And the second point he brought up is that holiday is simply the shortened word for HOLYDAY, so either way you are still basically saying merry christmas. So saying Happy Holidays is really no more controversial that Merry Christmas. And a point I have is that there are jews, christians, and muslims in my town...and I know people from all three religions. THEY ALL CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS! They may not neccessarily believe in Jesus Christ, but many take part in the lights and gifts, no matter what the religion! A rabbi that lives near by tells me merry christmas, has a christmas tree, and has lights on his house! So, thats just my 2 cents. Feel free to comment on your opinion!