Active Member
wow what a night its been, i picked up some food on my way home from my buddies house, and not long after i sat down to eat there was a knock at the door. it was one of the little girls i see around the apartment all the time. she was like "Someone just hit your car" i was like :scared: thinking that they hit my mercedes. so i asked what car, and she said the big white van (my company work truck). so im kinda relieve it wasnt my personal car.
i walk out there expecting just a small parking lot crash,, broken headlight or tailight at the most, maybe a scratch. boy was i wrong, i saw alot of people everywhere, and a 2 door ford escort smashed halfway to the windshield, i was like
once i walked over there, i saw that she had pushed my fullsize ford work truck, full of easily 1000+ lbs if not 2 or 3,000 lbs of wire, panels, and misc electrical stuff pushed all the way over into the mustang parked next to me,, and pushed the mustang almost into my car. now i dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out,, for a escort to move that much weight that far,, they had to be going way way way more than the 10 mph speed limit. so now her car is totaled, my vans wrecked on both sides., and the mustang next to me has half my van in her rear quater panel.
the driver of the car that hit me claims she wasnt speeding, and she has a stick and was only going 10mph at the most and her foot sliped off the clutch. again,, ive drivin many sticks, and i know that the car wouldnt of speed off out of controll if that really happened. she would of stalled, or decelerated to a even slower speed, and she also woulnt of lost controll. the owner of the mustang was trying to jump start her car when it happened, so she had the 2nd best seat in the house for the wreck. she witnessed the girl driving get out of the drivers seat, with baggie in her hand and run into her apartment (the person that hit us lives in the same building as us), yeah ok she wasnt trying to hide something
anyways, i heard the driver say she needed to go to the back of the car and sober up. ding ding,, that explains alot. to bad the cops didnt even give her a test, said it would be in violation of her rights, even though witnesses heard her say that. grrrr
but the sherrif did get permission to search thier apartment,, dotn know of somone got arrested though.
but all is now delt with, she got a ticket for carless driving. my van is wrecked on both sides (at least its the companies not mine) my neighboors car is wrecked.. and everyones ok,, i was gonna be out at my van getting something about the same time she hit, but i stalled for a min the in aparment, thank god cause i woulda gotten smashed between the van and the mustang if was was out there. finally met alot of my neighboors though. what a intresting thursday night. just thought id share, sorry for the long post
i walk out there expecting just a small parking lot crash,, broken headlight or tailight at the most, maybe a scratch. boy was i wrong, i saw alot of people everywhere, and a 2 door ford escort smashed halfway to the windshield, i was like

once i walked over there, i saw that she had pushed my fullsize ford work truck, full of easily 1000+ lbs if not 2 or 3,000 lbs of wire, panels, and misc electrical stuff pushed all the way over into the mustang parked next to me,, and pushed the mustang almost into my car. now i dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out,, for a escort to move that much weight that far,, they had to be going way way way more than the 10 mph speed limit. so now her car is totaled, my vans wrecked on both sides., and the mustang next to me has half my van in her rear quater panel.

the driver of the car that hit me claims she wasnt speeding, and she has a stick and was only going 10mph at the most and her foot sliped off the clutch. again,, ive drivin many sticks, and i know that the car wouldnt of speed off out of controll if that really happened. she would of stalled, or decelerated to a even slower speed, and she also woulnt of lost controll. the owner of the mustang was trying to jump start her car when it happened, so she had the 2nd best seat in the house for the wreck. she witnessed the girl driving get out of the drivers seat, with baggie in her hand and run into her apartment (the person that hit us lives in the same building as us), yeah ok she wasnt trying to hide something

anyways, i heard the driver say she needed to go to the back of the car and sober up. ding ding,, that explains alot. to bad the cops didnt even give her a test, said it would be in violation of her rights, even though witnesses heard her say that. grrrr
but all is now delt with, she got a ticket for carless driving. my van is wrecked on both sides (at least its the companies not mine) my neighboors car is wrecked.. and everyones ok,, i was gonna be out at my van getting something about the same time she hit, but i stalled for a min the in aparment, thank god cause i woulda gotten smashed between the van and the mustang if was was out there. finally met alot of my neighboors though. what a intresting thursday night. just thought id share, sorry for the long post