WOW! Factor

Ok, have a tank in my office and Im looking for some shock value. I need a fish that is reefsafe, and plays nice with other small fish, but one that tends to knock your socks off. Basically I want to know what your favorite (look wise) fish is?
(edit) The tank is a 135. Two tangs two damzels and a perc. Not much coral yet.
[ December 26, 2001: Message edited by: TexasReefRat ]


The Cow Fish is very docile, and will probly get alonge nicly with your other fish. They always catch my eye. File Fish are also pretty cool, although I dont know what there manners are.


You could do a few flasher wrasses. One male and some females. A school of fish would be cool and the male will desplay it's colors to impress the girls. :D


I think what to add is a very personal decision. Look at Scott Michael's book for some ideas that will match your plans for the tank.
More so the reason for this post is to say, do not get a cow fish. The damsels could easily stress this fish causing it to release toxins, wiping out your tank. Also they are known to be coral nibblers.


Active Member
I love angel fish personally.If you looking for something smaller try a coral beauty or maybe a fame angel.Queen are really pretty but can be aggressive.But in a tank that size it might be ok.There real head turners.


Active Member
how about a shoal of chromis and/or firefish(6 or more), both will add lots of colr, and life to your tank, lotsa movement, ilove ours, the chromi are colorful, busy and play in front of the powerheads for hours sometimes LOL, it's sssssooooooo coooooool! to watch, oh yeah, with damsels, i'd consider the chromi first, over the ff


What about Puffers?
I had a dog face puffer that loved to check everyone out.
The Cow fish are great too...very colorful.
Strawberry baseletts (purple)
sixline wrase (striped red with a green tail and blue fins)


If you do the longhorn cowfish, look under a search engine, I found a guy that raises a herd. He has a lot of info on them. (sorry I don't remember the site). These also get LARGE! People love clowns, and they aren't shy and many will form relationships with frilly mushrooms which don't take extreme lighting.