WOW! how thw heck did this happen?


Active Member
ok my cleaner shrimp was healthy last night eating and everything a healthy shrimp does and i turn the lights on and the hole tail is broken offf him could it have been done by my 2percs and tomato or the other shrimp(peppermint shrimp)


Active Member
is it a hollow shell you see, or do you see flesh in the shell
if your right you could have a hitch hiker in your tank, also do u have any brittle stars in your tank because some will eat fish and shrimp


What size tank do you have where you can keep 2 diff kinds of clown fish... my mom bought these two percs that im stuck with now, and id really like a tomato. i have a 90 gal you think it'll work


our cleaner shrimp are haning out in a hole in a rock with a serpent star hope he doesnt decide to eat them


Oh that happened to me too..I found him next to my anenome broken in half-not eaten-just broken. I do have a brittlestar, but why would he not eat him, why just kill him?? My other shrimp is doing fine and I've seen him side by side with the star..I think there is another culprit..but what could it be? I have 2 small clowns, 1 anenome, 1 pep.shrimp(now) 2 tiny hermits, 1 brittlestar..who done it??? LOL

darth tang

Active Member
ok my cleaner shrimp was healthy last night eating and everything a healthy shrimp does and i turn the lights on and the hole tail is broken offf him could it have been done by my
Don't you have a Trigger and a snowflake eel in that same tank? Think about it.


Active Member
no there in my 55g i have the shrims in the 20g these are the things in the 20g
1tomato (they all get along fine) but i am planning on giving the tomato away.
1condy anenome

darth tang

Active Member
Then I am at a loss....but the tomato may have got hungry possibly. I had a tomato in my aggressive for a few days (babysitting) and he would eat silversides and krill just like the rest of my fish. So maybe he wanted a taste of shrimp.