Wow! I Can Not Believe This!!!!!


Active Member
thats just crazy..even if he has a bigger tank and placing those fishin in there for cleaning or wat not..thats still crazy and inhumane...someone call the animal they answer to fish violations..


Active Member
What a idiot

People like that are just crule and other people see them doing that and say "why can't I put that in this size tank" "they did it". That just makes me mad.


Active Member
my guess is hes just doing it to piss people off. not that other people dont do it for real, but still.


Active Member
I think this has to be some sort of joke, or something like his tank cracked, or he is doing a full cleaning of his tank or something...


Active Member
it has to be temporary. there is no way those fish can survive inside the 10 gallon for more than a few weeks. the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate would get out of control.


Active Member
I lost a 180 once, and had several LARGE fish (puffer, lunar, clowns, damsels, sailfin, imperator) in a 20 gallon for an afternoon till I could set up 3 45 gallon tanks to house them, till I could find homes for them.


Active Member
idiot! thats about all that needs to be said. damn angel and triggers dont even bother attempting to swim.