
Active Member
Thank you Baron. That along with Galinias wanting tpo join is about the only positive thing we've heard from this post. I am siked about it. I mean there are not to many people interesterd in reef tanks in Alabama. There are a few clubs around us but we are talking hours away.
One of the reason that the post are few and far between is timing. I'm on here most the day. By the time 5o' clock rolls around my girl is getting of work and the dog is restless. So I sign off and will not be on til mornin'. Chevron works til' 5. Not to mention there are 3 people from Mobile on this board. I by no means want to cause problems. I just wish people could be alot nicer. It seems like more and more lately peop-le have been at each other. Why???


Active Member
Hopefully this thing will be a success. There around 15 to 20 people who act interested. I know for a fact that Chevron, yardrat, his better half as well as me and a few others are gung ho. I'll sit down and have this thing with myself if I have to.


Predator - I don't think you would be able to call it a club that way :p
Oh and by the way I'm up for it in a way. I dont' have much time and I'm only over in Pensacola. I wouldn't mind trading frags and stuff but just don't have the time to travel to mobile for meetings or what not.


Active Member
Well whateve ryou call it. I'd be there. I was just in P-cola Sunday. Wanted to go by reefers, but was stumblin' round like a fool. We would love to have you.


I guess some people just don't know what Southern Hospitality is! LOL I don't think that you should mind LOTR, he is from Jersey! Jus kiddin Lord, I got fam their. Why can't we all just get along??
man i feel the hostility. :D it's ok guys i do end up getting people's response. if i didn't i wouldn't keep posting. this board is an easy way to get everyone's attention and then some. thanks for all the support. this club is going to take alot to get started. but all of ya'lls interest encourages me to keep up the idea. i think our club will be a great success. and by the way Predator you wouldn't have to have the club by yourself, you know for a fact i would definitely still be interested. and ANYONE who wants to be a part of this club are always welcome. just to keep the arguing to a minimum keep ANY negative comments to yourself. that would definitely help.
yardrat i am emailing you right now with directions and the time is 6:30.


New Member
Actually, I've asked questions on chevron's "club" several times when she has posted, only to get NO replies from HER. Pardon me if I sound like the a$$, but how can you possibly get a group of interested people in a matter of what, 3 weeks at most? Seems no one knows where this is going, or how they are going to get there. To form a club one has to have organizational skills. Hence the name organization (club). I live in the same town, but sorry....I can't allow myself to follow a group of youngsters with pipe dreams. Get it together kids!


Active Member
Baron, We appreciate the suggestions and they will brought up. I like the idea of the tank tour. I know I would not mind visiting others homes and seeing there tanks.
We did in fact get everybody rounded up last night and now everyone whom was interested knows there is a meeting and what time. We had talked to 2 lfs owners here in town and they agreed to help us out as well as issue discounts to club members. So hopefully everything will run smooth and this will get off the ground. I feel pretty good about everything. I talked to 11 people last night myself and I know Chevron spook to a few herself.
LIKE I SAID keep rude comments to yourself. I have been staying up late at night after I have come home from work tired to organize this club. KLH when you decide to put together a club then you can criticize my efforts, otherwise leave it be. I'm doing my best. I posted 3 weeks ago that we would have our first meeting today and most the responses i got where either from Yardrat or Predator or people out of state who were giving encouragement. Like Predator said I have already talked to a couple of lfs on getting discounts. In fact I'm going to Saraland tomorrow AFTER WORK to get more info on the discounts. This club is not a dream when I decide I want to do something it becomes A REALITY. Sorry but you'll see. Baron I greatly appreciate your suggestions. The one about the tank tour, I thought about last night while trying to sleep. You guys should know by now I have saltwater on the brain ALL THE TIME. :D Those of you coming tonite I will discuss what I've thought of and any of your suggestions are certainly welcome. Predator is a great help to me in this. I just thought I would let ya'll know. And thanks to everyone who is interested and coming.


I love your club idea, and wish that Oregon wasn't so far away. I'd come in a flash. Can't say that I like the name, though. Most people I know have no idea what a reef tank is, so we all know what they'll think the club is!!

richard rendos

Active Member
I personally do not reply to threads that don't interest me. So, I guess I don't care. But everyone does not have to care about every other person on this board or anywhere else. I see less and less talk about reef tanks on this board and more and more arguments or discussions about who likes who or not. I do not know any of you personally, but who cares...more reef talk, and less bull$h!t. Those are my two cents worth.


Active Member
ijji, well said. I was gone off the board for about a month and half, came back and the aquarium was gone. Hate it to. I was forever posting some off the wall sh*# and got plenty of feed back. Now, it has in fact poured over to this foram, and to all it adjatates I do apologize.
Believe me I hate the arguing etc. I personally wish they would bring back "The Aquarium" forum so that those who want to talk about other things can. Sorry for the out burst. It just angers me when people criticize me about things when they have really no idea on what is going on.


This is the first time ive found A site as usefull as this no matter what people talk about i find some interest "GREAT NAME" :rolleyes:
Personally I am jealous! I would love to come to your meeting. I wish we had a club in my area...makes me want to organize one. I would combine the tank tours with some food. Kind of like a progressive dinner thing. Appetizers at one house, light dinner at the next, coffee and desserts at the last. Maybe a free frag door prize at each house. You could tour 3 tanks every other month and have an educational meeting every other month. Sounds like fun to me.
As for the name...get some more input...I like MARS (Mobile Alabama Reefers Society). Have fun...wish I were there.