wow what a tang


Active Member
My sailfin tang went to work right away yesterday when I brought him home and he ate the entire tank of hair algea. Not that I had alot but he ate all that nasty stuff.
I asked this on another thread but sometimes people say 75 is big enough and some recommend 125 or larger. He/she is small right now but will I have to get ride of the tang in the future or upgrage tank? This may be the fish that the wife will allow me to upgrade for
Also how will I know when he outgrows the tank, what are the signs of a fish being in too small of a tank?


OK, you have him now... So, keep him. But yes I would get at least a 125 for a tang. They love to swim so the bigger the better. The tanq will probably be OK for a couple of years in there. But it's like anything once it gets to big for it's inviorment it will probably get very aggressive to tank mates and start to stress. With that said I've had a Hippo in a 46BF for 3 years now. She loves that tank. It's her tank. If I try to put her in my large tank she just lays there for days until I put her back. SHe is about 3" and some change.
I do have a Sailfin in one of my large systems with 2 other tangs and it's grown to as big as your open hand. She's very aggressive too.