
nm reef

Active Member
I posted a thread yesterday about a local business man that contacted me about doing maintenance/upgrades on his reef. Its a 220 Oceanic reef ready with dual overflows/custom sump(no refugium yet)/Icecap 660 running 3x140 watt VHO's(1 super actinic & 2 whites)/sealife skimmer(can't really tell what size) and a Little Giant return...maybe 150 lbs of good fiji LR and about 3"-4" LS was my first official maintenance routine and this guy is going wild...tonight I order replacement bulbs for the VHO and a new MH lighting system. I'm considering a dual PFO 400 watt running 10K Ushios...the tank is 30" deep I need suggestions on the MH's for this customer. I'd also like to hear what you'd pick from the EuroReef line(or type) of skimmers for this display...he wants the skimmer/circulation/lighting upgraded NOW!
So who can offer some direction...Below are three fairly decent pics of the display as it now looks...this guy wants a full blown reef with a wide assortment of corals within 6 months...and I'm prepared to blow his socks off!!! He'll foot the bill...I make a few bucks...and we both get to enjoy what should be a killer reef. Maybe he'll have friends that want one for themselves.:yes:
Leftside currently...


I have the Euro-reef 8-2 that says its rated for up to 150 gallons and I like it alot. But it might be to small(220 gal.)right?

nm reef

Active Member about 20-25 in the sump ... so roughly 240-250 total volume.I run a CS6-2 on my 100 but we're talkin' much larger here...:thinking:


Active Member
For the Euro-Reef, I would go with a CS 12-1.
As for the lighting, 3x 400wt bulbs should be sufficiant (one dual PFO HQI and one standard HQI).

nm reef

Active Member
well ...yet another location in New Mexico to send california frags...what else ya want?!!? LMAO

nm reef

Active Member
Graham ... I'd thought about 3x400 watts...but the dang thing has one of those ugly center braces! Any problem there?



Originally posted by NM reef
Graham ... I'd thought about 3x400 watts...but the dang thing has one of those ugly center braces! Any problem there?

Your asking the wrong person about center bracing

The tanks 8 feet long? From the looks of the tank, your just about starting with a bare tank. I'd get a another tank with Euro Bracing or have that tank redone. It sure would make thing easier....youhe want to do it right, right?
If I had a 220 I'd think about running one of Andy's skimmers. The MR-2, or the MR-3 if it will fit would be nice. If you HAVE to settle for the ER then I'd shoot for the CS8-3.
What about using 250 watt DE HQI bulbs? save on power, have more parlight then 400's, bulbs are cheaper and last longer.