Active Member
Well I almost lost everything yesterday... The PCs in my 60gal QT had died some time ago. I was using NO fixtures in the mean time. Anyway the stupid cords on those things are always so short.
So I had to run an extension cord. It just so happens the cord sat directly under the overflow box for the tank (tank does have a sump).
There's the kicker, I was sitting on my computer, window open. I could hear the wind blowing the utensils around on the BBQ and pinging off the propane tank. Jokingly to myself, "man, that would be nuts if the spatula set off the tank." Literally 10 seconds later I smell something horrible. I turn around (my comp is setup on the same wall as both tanks) I see a plume of smoke and arcing buzzes.
All the plugs are under a separate 55gal QT (tanks are side by side). Split second to pick the right power strip.
Further investigation, the plugs (2 NO fixtures and a powerhead) that were plugged were wet and had a fair amount of salt creep. I've been looking at the overflow all day, and haven't had any dips come down.
Regardless, just a scary reminder. Hopefully everyone will see this and remember to check their stuff, tanks plugs, christmas lights, etc, sometime tomorrow. I definitely would have ruined Christmas
There's the kicker, I was sitting on my computer, window open. I could hear the wind blowing the utensils around on the BBQ and pinging off the propane tank. Jokingly to myself, "man, that would be nuts if the spatula set off the tank." Literally 10 seconds later I smell something horrible. I turn around (my comp is setup on the same wall as both tanks) I see a plume of smoke and arcing buzzes.
Further investigation, the plugs (2 NO fixtures and a powerhead) that were plugged were wet and had a fair amount of salt creep. I've been looking at the overflow all day, and haven't had any dips come down.
Regardless, just a scary reminder. Hopefully everyone will see this and remember to check their stuff, tanks plugs, christmas lights, etc, sometime tomorrow. I definitely would have ruined Christmas