
jordan 150

I just thought i would share. Its funny because i converted to saltwater last year from freshwater everyone had told me it was very difficult and it wouldnt work especially because i had lost alot of freshwater fish but i decided to go for it . While what im trying to get at in this year of saltwater i have only lost one fish and that was because he got eaten not because of bad water conditions. The wow part is im not that like great with the water i kind of just let it run and stir the rocks and siphon once every 2 weeks it has just been really really good luck every fish i have added has eaten as soon as he got in the tank my lion ate in seconds and still eats like a pig so did the trigger the puffer and in my 2 100 gallons the tangs all love eating and in my other one my blue lined ate seconds after being put in the tank. What im trying to say is i think there is a little bit of luck involved in fish keeping haha because it seemed the harder i tried and the more i messed with the freshwater thing the harder it was. whale just thought i would share


Bravo! I think that the industry makes it seem harder than it is 'cause they stay in control that way. If your scared and beleive it is hard, than you will go to them with every thing. It is a super basic science and is fun once you love it. I'm glad, so the next time you hear some one say that I couldn't have a salt water aquarium all the fish die. You look them in the eye and say "it's easier than fresh water, I found."
It's not really, though it was for you, so spread the word.


When I first decided to keep sw tanks everyone was telling me how hard it was. Personally I've had much better luck with saltwater than with freshwater.