Wrasse Choice?


75g fowlr - would like to add a COLORFUL, HEARTY, VERY ACTIVE WRASSE. I know the lunar wrasse gets very large. Are there any wrasses that fit my description that don't get huge like the lunar?
Thanks for help.


Wrasses are beautiful-many different varieties and colors-and if you get a juvenile - he will probably change colors as he matures. Also they are very big eaters. I think the bird nose wrasses are maybe the biggest? Coris wrasses are beautiful. :happyfish :happyfish


Originally Posted by ophiura
What other fish do you have,...and do you ever plan on it being a reef system?

are you asking me


Originally Posted by cjml
Wrasses are beautiful-many different varieties and colors-and if you get a juvenile - he will probably change colors as he matures. Also they are very big eaters. I think the bird nose wrasses are maybe the biggest? Coris wrasses are beautiful. :happyfish :happyfish

:joy: sure are


If your going to tdo a reef I'd go w/ a long finned fairy wrasse or a lubbocks fairy wrasse... THey're gorgeous and my 2 personal favorites


Active Member
I was asking the original poster what other fish they have...because if this is a FOWLR with, say, a lion or something, then smaller wrasses wouldn't be a good choice. I do like Coris and bird nose, bluehead, paddlefin wrasse, etc...but it is important to know more about the tank, inhabitants, and future goals.


Originally Posted by ophiura
I was asking the original poster what other fish they have...because if this is a FOWLR with, say, a lion or something, then smaller wrasses wouldn't be a good choice. I do like Coris and bird nose, bluehead, paddlefin wrasse, etc...but it is important to know more about the tank, inhabitants, and future goals.



Active Member
Originally Posted by jenni620
the rooster fairy wrasse on this site-do they get really big? they sure are pretty!
4/5" or so. They are beautiful. And I agree on the long finned, being a good community fish.
The tankmates are to be considered, as Ophiura has said. Most wrasse are fairly docile, MYOB fish...you don't want to risk that loss.


Active Member
look into the yellow coris wrasse or a hogfish they are pretty colorful I think or even a wipfin fairy wrasse


i have a lunare, boy he is a jerk! he pushes everyone around and slammed my clown fish into my urchin and now the clownfish had these 2 little puncture marks on him. So i decided to take him out of the 125 and put him in the qt tank downstairs, its a 30 gallon. That jerk made me take every stinking pound of rock out of the tank in order to chase his ass around. Finally 2 hours later i got him and at this point I almost wanted to flush him down the toilet. I didnt I put him downstairs and now when he sees me coming he plays dead and shoots for the only rock in the place. Theres no substrate though so he just lays on his side looking dead until i am outta site then he eats. Hes gorgoues but destructive. I think hes cost me in a lot of fish..... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghostiroc
..... I didnt I put him downstairs and now when he sees me coming he plays dead and shoots for the only rock in the place. Theres no substrate though so he just lays on his side looking dead until i am outta site then he eats. Hes gorgoues but destructive. I think hes cost me in a lot of fish..... :thinking:
So, you don't suggest a lunare?
I've heard them called lunaretics.


Sorry for the delayed response. I have a fowlr - no future plans for coral.
Current inhabitants are:
1 perc
1 Flame angel
1 Midas Blenny
1 Blue spot puffer
Future inhabitant plans are 2-3 more colorful, active, hearty fish.
Thanks for all of the wrasse choices.


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
So, you don't suggest a lunare?
I've heard them called lunaretics.

Perfectly named IMO