Wrasse Choice?


There are many wrasses in the Fairy Wrasse category, some reach up to 6 inces, some stay around 3 inches or so.
I have both an exquisite wrasse and a Scotts Fairy Wrasse.
Both have amazing color, are super peaceful (my perc pushes the EX around some)
and are so tame they eat out of my fingers. They also swim constantly back and forth in and around at all levels of the tank then crash at dusk into their hole. You do need a sand substrate and adequate rock for hiding spots.
Plus, they eat anything!


Originally Posted by brikhouz44
75g fowlr - would like to add a COLORFUL, HEARTY, VERY ACTIVE WRASSE. I know the lunar wrasse gets very large. Are there any wrasses that fit my description that don't get huge like the lunar?
Thanks for help.

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