Wrasse info


i want to buy another wrasse other than my 8 line. I want it to be safe with shrimp, like my cleaner shrimp and coral banded. I want nice colors and a reasonable price. Let me know THANKS


Active Member
You can look at the fairy and flasher wrasses but that eight line can get 5 inches and mean and could be a threat to the shrimp as it gets older anyway.
I would be cautious adding a second wrasse, the eightline is more aggresive than any fairy wrasse and could cause major problems


Thanks guys, do you think i should get rid of him, he is like 3 inches right now and eats mysis and really small ghost shrimp.
if you wanted to add a second wrasse then yes I would recommend to remove him, the eightline will usually beat the crap out of any smaller wrasse, especially a fairy. Just my expirences with them maybe yours are different.


Active Member
How about posting some specs. on your system.
If your concerned about your inverts then a Moon Wrasse is worst than the 8 line.

joe 09

no on the luna.it will eat your shrimp,crabs, ond gobies.i had one and just got rid of it ,i took him to the lfs.