hey everyone
i got three six line wrasse yesterday, and until bout an hour ago, everything was going great! my mom and i had a game going on to see who could spot all three at the same time.
but when my dad was watching them, he noticed one was dead behind some lr. we thought the other small wrasse might have gotten him since they fought yesterday and the dead one had couple chunks missing from its fins.
now i just saw the one we thought killed the other wrasse die. he had couple chunks missin too.
in our tank:
1 six line wrasse
1 yellow tang
2 clarkii clowns
1 pajama cardinal
1 maroon clown
1 chromis
1 court jester goby (we hope..)
1 black sailfin
6 emerald crabs
2 sally light foot crabs
2 porcelian anemone crabs
1 banded shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
8 peppermint shrimps
can ya'll see anything that would be killing the wrasse? the clowns are usually aggressive, but they've pretty much ignored them after checkin them out when first introduced.
i got three six line wrasse yesterday, and until bout an hour ago, everything was going great! my mom and i had a game going on to see who could spot all three at the same time.
but when my dad was watching them, he noticed one was dead behind some lr. we thought the other small wrasse might have gotten him since they fought yesterday and the dead one had couple chunks missing from its fins.
now i just saw the one we thought killed the other wrasse die. he had couple chunks missin too.
in our tank:
1 six line wrasse
1 yellow tang
2 clarkii clowns
1 pajama cardinal
1 maroon clown
1 chromis
1 court jester goby (we hope..)
1 black sailfin
6 emerald crabs
2 sally light foot crabs
2 porcelian anemone crabs
1 banded shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
8 peppermint shrimps
can ya'll see anything that would be killing the wrasse? the clowns are usually aggressive, but they've pretty much ignored them after checkin them out when first introduced.