Wrasse Question


The other day I bought a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse from my LFS. Silly me didn't realize that I bought a female. I just assumed it was a small male because availability of females is limited at the moment.
My tank is a 30g breeder. Do you think I could add a male McCoskers Flasher Wrasse? (my guess is no)
Also..........what are the odds of it turning male?


what else do you have in the tank..it might turn into a male..keeping a male might be a little tight in there but if your bioload is not too much it should be ok..do you hae any pics?


Active Member
IMO, a 30 is too small for this wrasse--they are active fish and need space. BTW, they are very talented jumpers. Also, IMO, if you need to worry about bio-load when adding one fish, your filter system needs work.


My concern was not bio-load it was territory. This is my 2nd fish.
Doing very well. Sleeps in the same barnacle every night. Next to my fire shrimp. Eats well.
For some reason I'm having troubles uploading a picture. I'll try again later.