Wrasse question


i am setting up a 220 gallon aquaium and i am wanting to add 1 to 2 different wrasses in the tank but am not sure if they will get along with each other or fight to death. the tank is 6 feet long 2 feet wide and i think 3 feet tall. i am not going to use the flasher wrasses but maybe some other like scotts fairy, hawaiin flame, something exotic. help me please.


Active Member
Adding several fairy wrasses to a tank that size should not be a problem. In fact, that's large enough to establish a harem. Are you planning on a FOWLR system?


I would go with a Lunar Wrasse and either a Scott's Wrasse, Banana Wrasse or Six-line wrasse. HTH =)


i was thinking about reef safe wrasses for in the future. what is fowlr? i was wanting maybe a lineatus and scotts fairy of some sort.


Active Member
FOWLR: Fish Only With Live Rock.
Distinguished between a fish system and a reef system. Makes a big difference with wrasse choices. Most wrasses don't play nice in a reef.


If you get a Scotts fairy you better cover that tank. I had mine for about a month and was feeding the tank one day and he shot up to the surface to get the shrimp and he flew out through a small gap between my canopy and egg crate I had on the back of the canopy. He landed in the middle of my 125 and could not reach him for several min. He mad it through the night only to die the next day. Stress I'm guessing.