wrasse recommendation


Can someone recommend a couple species of wrasse that won't eat my clean up crew? The usual snails, hermits, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, serpent star, sand sifting star. Tank is all peaceful fish so need something that will get along and not cause problems.


what size tank do you have???..fairy and flasher wrasses are nice and will leave clean up alone..plus they have tons of color


Active Member
Most wrasses are safe, it's the larger ones you want to stay away from. I really like the sixline. They're not as colorful as a flasher or fairy, but they've got personality, and are pretty fun to watch.


Sorry I forgot to post the size, it's a 60 gallon tank.
I'm a little confused on the fairy wrasse. Is that a certain type of wrasse like a dwarf angel where there are many different types of fairy wrasses or is that the name of one specific type. GG's post threw me off a little bit because of her statement saying most of them were reef/inv safe. The way I read it it seems as though their are different types of fairies and I'm not familiar with that type. Seems most of the stuff you see online says wrasse eat inverts.
Does anyone know if a lime wrasse would be safe? I saw one at the lfs and it's beautiful.


sixlines are safe with inverts..fairy wrasses are in the Genus paracheilinus and fairys are in Cirrhilabrus..the are very similar and are planktivores..they will not harm inverts in fact i have 7 or 8 sexy shrimp in my tank with my fairys and flashers and they have never gone after them..they are very many of both that run from very cheap to insane prices..of the flasher wrasses my favorites are the line-spot flasher p. lineopunctatus and the royal flasher p. angulatus..each one of those when i got them were around 30-$40..there are more fairy wrasses than flashers and some still to be named..my favorite fairys that i have kept are c. temminckii..there are a few color morphs of them..orange back..c.aurantidorsalis and c. lineatus..the sixline wrassses are very neat looking i have only kept one but got rid of him because they do not do very well with fairy and flashers mine was very aggressive to my other wrasses...a other wrasse that stays small and is good with inverts is a possum wrasse..i have had mine for 6 months now and is one my favorite fish that i got...stays small and never bothers a thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Twobitt
Sorry I forgot to post the size, it's a 60 gallon tank.
I'm a little confused on the fairy wrasse. Is that a certain type of wrasse like a dwarf angel where there are many different types of fairy wrasses or is that the name of one specific type. GG's post threw me off a little bit because of her statement saying most of them were reef/inv safe. The way I read it it seems as though their are different types of fairies and I'm not familiar with that type. Seems most of the stuff you see online says wrasse eat inverts.
Does anyone know if a lime wrasse would be safe? I saw one at the lfs and it's beautiful.
First time I have been referred as a "her".