Wrasse Update Help Please


My 6 line wrasse seems to be getting worse. I now have him in a QT tank, he is in just laying in a piece of pipe. He still eats when food is offered but stays upside down. I added an antibacterial medication. Does anyone have any clue what could be wrong?


Staff member
Can you post a picture of this fish and any problem areas you note?


I will post a photo. There does not seem to be any visible problems. He was fine and healthy and then 2 days ago started having bouyancy problems, swimming sideways. Now he seems quite ill. I am very worried about him and rather sad.


Staff member
I saw that picture before you deleted it, and its too small to be able to tell much.


Staff member
At the stage when they are floating around such as this, there isn't much hope. He looks like he might have swollen belly. Is that correct? If he is in a well cycled QT, you can try Maracyn 2 treatment.


Originally Posted by Gliderjohn
His fins are okay, the only other fish he was in DT with was a Perc who left him alone.
Are we looking at the same fish? On the right side, from my view, it is his left pectoral, is bitten down. That is the only fin that is extended enough to see.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Are we looking at the same fish? On the right side, from my view, it is his left pectoral, is bitten down. That is the only fin that is extended enough to see.
That is how he looked when we purchased him. It is the next morning and he is still alive. Still upside down. What is the humane thing to do at this point? He is in a nice quiet QT tank, I am doing a water change today. Nitrates are 20 ppm and nitrites are 05 ppm. I am continuing to treat him with an antibacterial.


Our wrasse is just getting worse. It's too sad to watch him so we have made the decision to euthanize him. After much research on the subject it seems the most humane way is clove oil and grain alcohol. Thanks for your help in trying to save him.