

Active Member
i was wondering how a adult or juvenile red corsis wrasse would do in a 100 g with a lunar wrasse also how would these guys do with a black and white henocursis

Originally posted by flamingkingofhe
i was wondering how a adult or juvenile red corsis wrasse would do in a 100 g with a lunar wrasse also how would these guys do with a black and white henocursis

As a general rule you should not mix wrasses. Lunar wrasse are one of the more aggressive. I would not chance a coris with one or B&K Henocursis. Coris wrasses are less aggressive and probably could go with the B&K's. But either one of the wrasses will destroy your clean up crew in no time. I have watched my coris pick at empty shells and small pieces of rock looking for a meal.


Active Member
ok i will plan on those 2 to start now i to my understanding the coris wrasse is not the easiest thing to care for so what makes them so difficult any good tips i have been in this hobby for a long time and believe i can handle one but would like to do a little research first
Mine is really easy to care for. They seem to stress out a little from shipping. So if you get one from a LFS make sure he is eating. They are also a little flighty, so expect him to hide for a while when you approach the tank. Other than that I personally do not know of any other real problems with them. As they grow they get to be a VERY pretty fish.
Here is mine. I got mine as a hitch hiker. I got a bunch of live sand from a friend and I was a little surprised to see him pop up one day. He said , he wondered where he had gone. Kind of a unique hitch hiker, but has never been a problem for me.


That is a cool looking juvi!!! What a great present ;) Did your friend just give it to you? How long before the sand transplant did you figure out you had the wrasse?


Active Member
I have a hawaiin red coris and absolutely love him. Like snakes said they're kind of flighty at first so have some patience. Also, make sure you have a deep enough sand bed ~4" so they can go to sleep. This is true with all coris'. One of my LFS has several wrassses in a large tank. When asked about mixing wrasses he claims it's a matter of timing. If you introduce all the large wrasses at the same time they usually do ok. Always a chance of a mean one though. I really respect this guy as he runs a 1st rate facility. Don't have the personal experience though.
Here's my coris:

Originally posted by krazykarel
That is a cool looking juvi!!! What a great present ;) Did your friend just give it to you? How long before the sand transplant did you figure out you had the wrasse?

Yep he gave him to me. I didn't even I had him till about three days later when he came out from behind the rocks. It was kind of a surprise. I had all passive fish in the tank at the time so I was forced to catch him and move him.