

Active Member
Does your Wrasses have a specific bedtime that you can clearly notice?
I've got a 6-line in the 75g reef and he stays up until lights go out. Then he goes and makes his cocoon to sleep.
Yesterday we got a new addition to our 150g reef, a Clown Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) or Solarensis Wrasse which ever you wish to call him. He came from a fellow reefer's RSM nano and as soon as he went into the big tank he started popping pods off the glass and even got the Midas to swim with him.
Anyways, as soon as the MH's started turning off, he vanished. He did peek his head from the rockwork about 5 minutes later and so I suspect he had found himself a good spot in the sandbed and he went to bed.
If that is his cue to go to bed, I need to change the time I feed the big tank with meaty preparations in the evening.
I've heard of fish that go to bed like a clock, never seen that before, but clearly now I have a fish that is like that.
How's yours?

luca brasi

Yep, wrasses are famous for this. My Leopard wrasse was very confused when we lost power with Gustav and I didn't run the lights. He would come out when the lights were supposed to come on and then go back into hiding


Active Member
Hehe good to know. He is already out and about and the lights are not even on in the tank, just kitchen and familyroom is lite. He must be a morning fish :)

luca brasi

Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Hehe good to know. He is already out and about and the lights are not even on in the tank, just kitchen and familyroom is lite. He must be a morning fish :)
It may take a little while but, he will adjust to your lighting schedule.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, all 3 of my wrasses seem to have their own personal inner clock . Each time it gets time for the lights to go off,the wrasses begin to hide in their own areas. My Corris wrasse hides towards the back of the aquarium under the sand. My Cleaner wrasse hides within the lr. My Harlequin tusk sleeps in the open,but will always go to the same area and fall asleep.


Never thought about this until now. My six line does do this though usually after he eats and then lights out. I guess there is a pattern with the wrasses doing this.


Active Member
that is a pretty wrasse, but it doesnt look like a clown fairy / solarensis ??
i was expecting:

here is one that is sorta like that


Active Member
I got it from another reefer and he said it was a solarensis wrasse. Mine definitely looks like the second picture more. I'm pretty sure this one is a female and knowing how wrasses' have different coloration for male and female... that could be the difference.