WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA


I'm looking for a tank that is at least 24" deep, 72" long, 18" high. The smallest volume I could find with this footprint is a 125 gal. The tank must be drilled and must have a usable closed in stand. I'm hoping to find a complete (proven) system... I'm not a mechanically inclined girl. :thinking:
I'm in Central Texas, but am willing to travel a few hundred miles into Louisiana or Oklahoma if I have to. Reply here or email at GoSpeedGrrrl AT yahoo.com

Sunburnt / Darla


Thanks, but I just bought a nearly-new RR 200 with oak canopy and stand for $650 from another member of DFWMAS dot com. :: dances ::
I need to change the post to "FOUND ONE!" or something!


Louisiana, sorry. more like southwest louisiana. close to the texas border. lol
jasper/bon wier/kirbyville is on the central east texas/louisiana border, but in texas.


Ohhh. I have friends from De Ridder :)
It would be about a 3 hour drive... not worth it at all! LOL! Have you looked on craigslist dot com ? Awesome site! Search under "community" and under the "For sale/Barter" forums! Good luck!


Bwaahhhahaha! That's funny.
It's not worth the gas. Just a stand, the tank, and the lights. You'll find better!


man i was like hey who is this person. this is crazy, we're talking about aquariums and then they give me nasty website address. then i stopped and re-checked. ah-ha! surprise, surprise.
yea well i was wondering, because you can't get ANY one to ship an aquarium. and i wanted to keep my overhead down. don't you have to come see your friend in deridder soon? or east texas. lol


Originally Posted by skyhi
man i was like hey who is this person. this is crazy, we're talking about aquariums and then they give me nasty website address. then i stopped and re-checked. ah-ha! surprise, surprise.
yea well i was wondering, because you can't get ANY one to ship an aquarium. and i wanted to keep my overhead down. don't you have to come see your friend in deridder soon? or east texas. lol

I am from Tyler are either of you have anything for sale or trade? thanks joe