WTB Coraline Algea


I was wondering if anyone has an over abundant of coraline algea growing on the glass and would be willing to scrape it off and sale it? If so how much?


New Member
I Would Just Goto A LFS And Get Small Fragment LR, Usually They Have Some Rock That Has Coralline. Also Scraping Does Not Always Work If At All. Trust Me, Its Easier To Just Get Rock Already Cured With Coralline, Then To Waste Money And Get Something That Has Very Low Odds Of Seeding.


Active Member
i dont beleive the above statement is true i have so much coralline that i scraped it off my back wall grinded it up into a powder , gave it to my freind who had just started his tank and had no coralline , he dumped that powder in , and 2 days later the spores loaded him up with coraline ........ because of this , i have coraline to sell , but with adequate calcium levels you should be groqwing the coralline pretty quick here