WTB: larger sized HOB filter


Active Member
Does anyone have a penguin 330 filter, Aquaclear 70 or a Whisper model 60, hanging around they are willing to sell cheap. Just looking to add extra circulation and a place for media.


Active Member
You can get the AC 110 model online in various places for under $40, with the AC70 being even cheaper.....That well known site is not too far from your geological area and they also have a pretty good price on the AC models. AC models are great due to their large resivoir and are used for fuges/filter/flow devices on lots of tanks and work fine.....


Active Member
Thanks Keeffie, but i'll probably end up buying a new AC 70 on line at "al's" for $26. Thanks anyway.
Hay chipmaker, how do you use one as a fuge, just turn the flow down, take the top off and throw some chaeto in there? hhhmmmmm That might work pretty good. :thinking: