WTB Live rock in northeast Pa

big boy69

I was supposed to pick up my tank and stand this weekend, but i won't be getting it until the 29th.
So the rest of the 29th and 30th i will be setting it up and getting it running.
After it cycles is when i'll add cured live rock, snails & crabs then i'll be heading to something fishy.


lol good call with the christmas gift! :yes:
My tank was a gift to myself. I occasionally do some side work so any money I make outside of my regular job I get to blow on whatever I want... Like an allowance or a kid with a paper route
that way the wife doesnt freak out


stopped at something fishy yesterday in the snow storm... suprisingly it was pretty empty around 2pm

the wife was with me so it kept my spending to a minimum and the place looks 1000% better then the last time I was there... Only bought 25 hermits and 2 emerald crabs. :D She gave me dirty looks when I went for a sand sifting goby and a LMB


Always go there when the wife is busy with something else.

My 2 daughters love to go, but I to have to watch my spending when my wife is with too.

big boy69

What were the prices for the crabs?
How much does he get for snails?
Do i add the snails and crabs after i put in the live rock, to help with the cycle??


Not sure of the prices, but I'm pretty sure they are fair. Wait until your cycle is over before putting in a clean up crew of inverts...was nice talking to you last night. Have fun setting up your aquarium!


yeah cleanup crew would have noting to clean up if you put them in too soon... I would wait till theres some algea or atleast till the cycle is over..
I got 25 hermits for $20 and 2 emerald crabs for $9
p.s. suprised this thread hasnt been shut down for mentioning LFS names and prices :thinking:


saw 3.95 on ---- with free shipping, bought 20lbs from him, its was decent stuff, not alot of growth but was cured.