
any individual here locally have any of these items they would like to part with. thanksfor looking.


hey larry, Yes ive seenyour site before, some very nice looking corals there. I will definatley get some when i get my new lights installed andcanopy built. Doyou have any live sand available?thanks


I would just do the Southdown thing, thats what I did. I then went to my lfs, and got a bag of the commercial live sand, and seeded the Southdown. I have tons of life. You can also seed with a fellow reefer's sand. A cupful or two will do it. If you decide to get anything from my frag page, I can throw a cup in for free, no problem man. :)


sorry for the bit off topic- but this might help you get some LR/ a contact for rock.....
do you know about the INMAS frag trade this saturday?
it is saturday at 1:00 up in noblesville, a lot of the serious reefers from town will be there... tons and tons of corals/ live sand/ macros. etc.... will be switching hands..
directions are on that thread... if you want to buy/ trade rock- post tehre and see if anyone has some for sale..... and can bring it to the meeting...


yes, i wish wish wish, that i could come. I am a catering chef and am usually working the weekend> Saturday definately, sunday sometimes!!Stinks!! Do you guys ever hold meetings during the week? I would be more than willing to host one at my house some weekDAY,lol. Remember im a chef,so food is on me.


well, generally we meet 1:00 the 2nd saturday of months we get it together enough to plan.... i knwo a lot of peopel work day jobs...
if you want- go ahead and post your request on the forum.. if you are willing to pick up rock here in town - you coudl save shipping
that or premium is getting a big shipment on monday- you can grab the uncured price on stuff- with out payign shipping.. and can cherry pick your pieces...... how much rock do you need?


hey matt, looking for another 30-40#. I figured most work day jobs, as do I, just sometimes mine runs well into the night.Anyway, keep your ears open for me if you would. Might have some lined up, I will find out tonight for sure. Talkto you later.


HOw much LR do you want? ... Email me at Charlestonreef@yahoo.....you may be in luck.........I can sell you great rock at $3/lb shipped but would have to be a good sized amount to get that shipping rate priced to you.....let me know soon as the shipping method I can use will be leaving for that area soon and wont be going again for some time....