WTB: Obama Tire Gauge


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkzimms
its not true economic supply and demand though, its speculative supply and demand based around political interests and market indications. nothing has to do with the fact that x amount of people want x amount of what is being produced.
as for hydrogen and compressed air, those are both moving the requirement of oil from view. both processes still require oil to make the end product.
Basic econ 101. If demand increases and supply remains the same prices increase. Drilling for more oil increases supply which decreases demand on the available supply. If we were dealing with a large surplus of available oil more drilling wouldn't influence price but that isn't the case right now.


Active Member
It all boils down to the New World Order. Oil prices, gas prices, life insurance and tire inflation.... whatever. Should have invested in bullets and grown your own food.
Soon enough 85% of the population won't be able to afford any of it and they will die of poverty and that was the plan in the first place.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Soon enough 85% of the population won't be able to afford any of it and they will die of poverty and that was the plan in the first place.

Oh wow...dude...did it hurt? Your accident that caused brain damage I mean.
That would take to long, if there truly is a new world order, a nuclear war would yield these results much faster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkzimms
its not true economic supply and demand though, its speculative supply and demand based around political interests and market indications. nothing has to do with the fact that x amount of people want x amount of what is being produced. ...
A commodity, traded on the free Market, is certainly "supply and Demand". People want the commodity, ergo the price of said commodity is increased.
Restricting commodity trading is wrong.
If you haven't heard anyone suggesting the Oil Industry becomes Socialized you haven't been listening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
It all boils down to the New World Order. Oil prices, gas prices, life insurance and tire inflation.... whatever. Should have invested in bullets and grown your own food.
Soon enough 85% of the population won't be able to afford any of it and they will die of poverty and that was the plan in the first place.
You believe this yet you have decided to vote for a Socialist in 2008?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You believe this yet you have decided to vote for a Socialist in 2008?

Well, IF there is a NWO (I just get a kick out of conspiracy theories) it won't matter who I vote for. Either they will be on board or they won't be "in the know", or they will take action against it and likely be assassinated.
No matter who wins, they will have an agenda that isn't necessarily in the best interest of anyone but themselves.
I'm just having fun with you people. I thought that was the point of this thread. Fun.


Active Member
with a 25$ donation to Mcain (through a certain link i got an email i will try to post it) you can save the world 2 ways you get the gauge so you can save the gas (if you really want the gauge to do it i would suggest doubling your manufactors suggested weight and help create a 3rd way to save the planet) and you can help save us from obama
dont know it this will work this way