WTB: return pump and live sand


As the title says, i'm looking for a return pump and some live sand. I'm setting up a refugium and need both. I'm hoping for a return pump that is around 500gph, and enough live sand to put a good bed down in a 30g tank.
Please post or send an e-mail to johnchargo at msn dot com if you have either you are willing to sell and ship to Iowa.


I have about 100 lbs. of LS I just set-up a 125 and ended up not using it.I also could give you some LS from my fuge if you want.I have also a Rio 2100.


Tolboy, i'm interested. I'd be willing to take the pump off your hands as well as about 50 pounds of that sand. How much are you looking to get for it, with shipping to 50010?