WTB VHO endcaps and bulb clips.



Hello all, anybody have some extra endcaps and bulb clips for vho's that they want to sell? Thanks...


New Member
As a matter of fact I just upgraded my VHO Lighting to PC lighting over the weekend. They were from a Coralife 4 bulb kit (basically an IceCap 660 system). I kept the ballast but snipped off the endcaps and unscrewed the bulb clips. The endcaps are not the rubber waterproof kind but were previously were run on a tank with no glass cover (they need to be cleaned up a bit but work fine). I have 8 caps and 8 clips. Make me an offer and I'll ship them to you (you pay shipping too).


Hi, thanks for replying. I would not know how much to offer you because I don't know how much are the new ones. Pls. email me for a price. If you want to sell the ballast too that would be great. Thanks.


New Member
Couldn't send you an email or PM with information (system says you opted out of both). However the Clips go for about $2.50 a pair new and the End Caps go for about $10 a pair new. I have 4 pairs of each. I will sell you the whole lot for $20 plus whatever the shipping cost is. It should probably only be about $5-6 to send USPS ground. If you need them overnight or something like that let me know and I can check out those prices too. I have a PayPal account, or you can send me a certified check, money order, etc. I can't sell you the ballast as I am using it to drive my PC's. You can email me at oakleywilliam@yahoo.com if you have any other questions or want to arrange payment/shipping etc.