WTF - Why so much anger in my tank???


New Member
Will someone please take a look at this tank and let me know if there is something wrong with the fish combination: I was under the impression that this was not supposed to be an "aggressive setup", but let me tell you that the damn domino damsel won't leave the blue damsel alone - he is a viscious predator and the blue damsel is CONSTANTLY on the look out for a surprise attack - luckily he is fast enough to avoid getting torn up. Furthermore, the clown fish is coming up with all kinds of rips and tears on his fins. I've tried to watch to see who is attacking him, and can never see who it is. The blue damsel was introduced into the tank about a month ago, whereas the domino is an old timer that doesn't seem to get along with anyone at all. Does this problem go away with time? Is the domino just not made for a 20 gal tank?? Should the domino be making a trip to the LFS?


I made the mistake of putting 3 damsels in with my little percula clown when i first set up my tank and needless to say they beat the poor little guy up.
Damsels are mean little



My domino was a downright Pain in the a$# so I simply took all my damsels and gave them to my LFS. I am very happy I did.


Active Member

Originally posted by KittyKitty
Get an an anemone for your tank! It will give the clown some sense of security.

Anemones are VERY sensitive. They need a mature and stable tank, perfect water quality and high light (ideally metal halides) in order to survive.... and even then, their survival can be iffy.
dominos can br really mean. I have a large three stripe that has quite a bit of attitude as well. He has done nothing but cause problems.



Originally posted by kreach
Damsels in general are territorial and downright mean... it's just their nature.

Yep, Damsels are very territorial. I had a 4 bar, in my 125g, with just him, a blue damsel & a Blue dot puffer. The 4 bar thought he owned the entire 6 foot tank, & kept attacking the puffer. Needless to say the 4 bar is gone. Now my Blue damsel gets upidy even with my 3" Huma Huma :eek:
I wonder what going to happen when I put my 3 1/2" clown trigger in this week :rolleyes: Sooner or later, that blue damsel will learn his lesson :D
if u were to buy a damsel or damsels, make sur ther all the same kind and introduced at the same time, they are very mean and teretorrial twords others that are not from the same familey, like a percula with sadeled, they dont mix, they will fight to the death, i have two perculas inj mine, then about a month ago i put a maroon clown in ther with them, they bite his fin in half, if lucky the fish will get used to eachother, whick is what mine did, thankfully my maroons fin is growing back, and yes putting anenomes in the tank with them wil call them down.:)

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by KittyKitty
Get an an anemone for your tank! It will give the clown some sense of security.

Not a good idea in a new tank.