

New Member
ok............ammonia turns to nitrite, nitrite turns to nitrate correct..........heres the test results are as follows, ammonia is .50 nitrite is zero and my nitrate is about can i have readings of ammonia and nitrate and have no tank has been up for 6 or 7 months if that helps. maybe i am doin something wrong............thanks in advance


Active Member
thats the samething i'm battling now i did a water cahnge yesterday using ro water for the first time and now my amm. is .50 and trites 0 and trate 10...i to am cornfused...i did do water change angain today about 5 gollans but it only came down a bit...good luck


I agree with darkness.
What brand test kit.
Some have been known to show .5 ammonia while others would show 0.
Could have your lfs test it and compare.
I would grab a cup full of water.
Test it and bring the left over water to the lfs to test.


If it isn't your test kit, then something probably died in their and started a mini-mini-cycle. Of course if it's been giving the same results for a while, then I'm wrong.


New Member
i use salt masters test kit..............maybe its given me false readings............i just did a 5 gallon water change yesterday my levels droped but nothing major..........i will do another 1 saturday probaly another 10 gallons or so...........i will keep everyone posted.............thanks for all the help and if any one has any ideas please keep me posted