Wtf ??


After reading so much about refugiums, I've decided that I was going to go ahead and build one for my 125g tank.
I called my LFS to see what they had in stock to starting building. First off they told me that they don't support using refugiums because they don't work. Second they told me that calurpa is illegal in California so they can't get it.
Illegal in California!! Why is that??


Yes, I heard that there is one type of Caulerpa that has been banned in California, I think it is Caulerpa Taxifolia. I have not heard about any others... You should be able to find more by search for Caulerpa +California in Google or one of the other search engines...


I believe that they are trying to ban emerald crabs too. they can take over a native population. Even here in Wa there are mythrax collection crews that go out and remove the non native crabs from the beaches. The caulerpa takes over too, it even drowns out the eel grass and turtle grass that are the native dominant intertidal plants. California has banned lots of species. Quaker Parakeets are illegal because if they get out they live just fine and make huge nests on powerlines and such. most types of snails cant be imported. thats as much as I know.


Active Member
looks like im carring illegal grass:D, i have feather calurpa and wondered why the a lot of the stores dont carry any. Off topic; the petstore i bought calurpa from is now closed for awhile due to the fact they were growing weed with the reptile light, away from the reptiles obviously. I knew they were hippies! They had everything from birds, reptiles, turtles, fw and swf.
i know a store that carries a lot of types of macro since you live in the bay area, i dont know exactly where and i hope i do not know if i should post this but you can email me if the link isnt here
this is a local fish shop


New Member
Very true! The stuff is a menace in Lakes. There are signs on the way to Clear Lake (close to home) that specifically mention the stuff and NOT to dump it.
There is another lake here in town that was TAKEN OVER by the stuff! The whole lake was a sea of green...
I am in California (Northern) and yes, they are not fond of it here.


Active Member
I know the place your talking about. They had some really good prices on MH Lighting:D
I for one didn't know about that law. Of course there's so many laws in ca it's hard to keep up on them. Oh well I guess I have some illegal weed in my tanks.


What town do you live in? You mentioned Clear Lake, that's why I ask. I live near Ukiah.