WTT Snails for Corals


I took alot of these guys in on trade for some corals i had. He bought a ton of these for an algae problem he had and when they had it all taken care of he traded them off. Now im looking to trade them again. These are Super Nassarius snails. I put about 100 in my 125 and they are Awsome. Let me know what you have. Feel free to ask any Q's you may have.


I have around 200-300. They range in size up to about 1 1/4". I have had no problems at all with them knocking my corals over unlike turbo snails. I am looking for zoos, Ric, leather, fish, ect... Let me know what you have to trade? if you would like to send pics my email is efreydaddy@aol.com.


Active Member
are they reff safe? and what type are they? seems like im thinking of the snails that burrow in the sand and are much smaller than 1 1/4". am i thinking of the right snails or are they the 1's that go on the glass and the rocks? im having a hair algea problem, will they clean that up? i can trade some green zoos, fire and ice zoos spagetti leather kenya trees a torch coral xenia. depending on how many you will will trade you can take a pick of what yu want. let me know about my questions


100% Reef Safe. I belive your thinking of the right ones. They have done a great job of cleaning the sand, glass and rock in my tank. They seem to roam all over the place. The man i got these from said he also had a hair algae problem before getting these guys. If you would like you can email me your phone # and we can talk. Thanks


Where in Ohio are you?? I have a a TON of zoo's, a xenia forrest, torch's, keyna's and other corals I could trade....


I feel its Better to talk on the phone and get things straight rather than play email tag. Thats just my opinion. Thanks
Email sent


I still have some snails available if anyone is interested ??? Let me know what you have to trade ?


New Member
What's up? Are you willing to sell some of the snails? I would like at least 50, maybe 100 if the price is right. I have a nice reef tank and currently building a bigger one and can use the snails. I have lots of corals but have no experience fragging. I do have a green hammer that I can trade. My xenia is out of control, you're welcome to try and take some if you can do it without killing it. I live in Dayton.


Do you have any other corals your willing to trade? I may be interested in the hammer, please send me a pic. How many heads? I already have 3 types of xenia so im not interested in any more at this time. Thanks efreydaddy@aol.com

payton 350

Nass. snails will not eat your algae...they are scavengers and detritus eaters....they won't eat your hair algae....
they are cool snails and bury themselves in the sand and come out when they smell food ....excellent at oxygenating the sandbed