WTT Zoas in WPB, FL


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Im ready to I guess. For Christ's sake...somebody better have a beer ready for me , if I have to be up that early on a Sunday.

come on brett, as a firefighter, you're up at all hours of the night. 10 is nothing for you. if you want, we can start this at 6. i'm up.
not by choice tho..........
so come by at beer thirty. i'll have some for you. what's your poison?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
come on brett, as a firefighter, you're up at all hours of the night. 10 is nothing for you. if you want, we can start this at 6. i'm up.
not by choice tho..........
so come by at beer thirty. i'll have some for you. what's your poison?


I never understood that ordinance. Sunday prenoon is the best time to start drinking.


Active Member
amen. spoken like a true preacher......lol.
there were blue laws where i grew up, so no stores were open either.


i want some of them all....but all i have is some green mushrooms...hairy mushrooms, big rock of clove polyps and a couple of leathers


Active Member
nice to get together today guys...Salty let me know when you want to stop by and pic up some other stuff. Jeff has all the frags I brought over...take what you want.


i need to know your poison by tomorrow since liquor stores are closed until noon on sunday.
Not in NY! We can now buy beer on our way to the Bills games if we're short. Thank you New York. (But our taxes stink!)